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IP Education

VIDEO: Solving IP Challenges with Technology

By August 26, 2014August 3rd, 2023No Comments

We pride ourselves on our ability to provide innovative IP research solutions to IP professionals such as yourself. Consequently, we are constantly seeking ways to use the newest technology to make your life easier.

If you have ever wondered how technology intersects with IP big data, or ktMINE uses technology to connect this data, take a look at our newest technology-focused videos. In this two-part series, learn about the challenges faced by IP professionals and how ktMINE engineers are working to solve them with technology. Added bonus, you get to hear directly from our Chief Technology Officer, Michael Taylor.

Interview with ktMINE’s Chief Technology Michael Taylor

ktMINE Technology with Michael Taylor: Part 1 from ktMINE on Vimeo.

ktMINE Technology with Michael Taylor: Part 2 from ktMINE on Vimeo.

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