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IP Strategy & Valuation

Predicting Your Competitor’s Innovation Strategy

By October 31, 2014August 3rd, 2023No Comments

Authored by David R. Jarczyk, this article outlines the various IP types and connections competitive intelligence professionals can utlize to predict their competitor’s innovation strategy.

Historically, understanding a competitor’s innovation strategy involved significant time spent researching patent portfolios. The resulting visualizations and graphs, although impressive, offered little useable information. Even if some light was shown on a competitor’s IP portfolio, realistically, patents only represent a small portion of a competitor’s innovation strategy. With the emergence of specialized software and the concept of analyzing big data, today’s CI professionals have significantly greater access to the data sets that provide insight into a competitor’s IP activity.


  • October 31, 2014 Competitive Intelligence – SCIP
  • January 12, 2015
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