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ktMINE and AutoHarvest Partner to Foster Innovation

By July 31, 2012June 23rd, 2023No Comments

Chicago, IL, July 31, 2012 – ktMINE, a global intellectual property data and information services firm, announced today that it has entered into a partnership with the AutoHarvest Foundation.

AutoHarvest is a membership based organization which provides transportation and advanced manufacturing industry OEMs, suppliers, entrepreneurs, universities and national research labs, an integrated platform for information sharing. The platform allows IP owners to showcase technology to buyers, sellers, and potential collaborators in a transaction focused marketplace to help fuel future innovation.

“AutoHarvest’s members are seeking solutions for numerous challenges, including extending and creating new energy sources, reducing emissions, increasing safety and enabling a connected world,” stated Jayson D. Pankin, Co-Founder, President and CEO of the AutoHarvest Foundation. “Global product developers work relentlessly to shorten design cycles and expedite product introductions, as innovators seek out networks and utilize novel tools to accelerate the adoption of technology in our IP Marketplace. Having seamless access to relevant and sometimes difficult to locate IP business intelligence can define success. Offering the comprehensive data available through the ktMINE database will allow technology transfer experts to broker transactions in confidence across industrial sectors.”

By entering into this arrangement, ktMINE will provide members of AutoHarvest discounted access to the ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder™ database, allowing for greater insight into the IP licensing landscape to enable smarter, more transparent transactions. The ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder database allows users to survey the IP landscape by viewing full licensing details and complete license agreements. Users will have access to approximately 13,000 intangibles licensing agreements with more than 45,000 royalty rates, including tiers.

“ktMINE is thrilled to have reached such a mutually beneficial arrangement with the AutoHarvest Foundation,” said David R. Jarczyk, President of ktMINE. “IP information transparency is a core tenant of the ktMINE mission and by providing royalty and market rate intelligence, licensing deal intelligence and IP business intelligence to this progressive thinking member base, we will help foster future innovation and collaboration.”


AutoHarvest Foundation is a Michigan 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and is led by some of the most highly respected figures in the automotive industry. AutoHarvest has, in beta testing, an online E-collaboration marketplace for intellectual property that accelerates innovation in advanced manufacturing. AutoHarvest is guided by its peer interest group, which consists of over 90 prominent government, university, automaker, supplier, venture capital, business accelerator and manufacturing organizations. Located within the innovation hubs of the Southeast Michigan region including Wayne State University’s Research and Development Park – TechTown – and the University of Michigan’s North Campus Research Complex, AutoHarvest sits in the heart of NAFTA’s automotive cluster. Recently awarded a grant by the New Economy Initiative Foundation (“NEI”), AutoHarvest will join the NEI’s Detroit Regional Innovation Network, a 10-year program to boost high-tech development and job creation in Southeast Michigan. For more information visit:

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