It’s finally here! Royalty Rate Searching with artificial intelligence is finally at your fingertips with ktMINE’s Benchmark App AI-assisted searching. As the world becomes more complex and our jobs become more demanding, people everywhere have been looking for AI to come in and help simplify their day to day. ktMINE is no exception.
The Challenges of Royalty Rate Searching
As a technology and data company, we wanted to leverage our expertise to bring simplicity to our markets with AI technology. After years of curating a vast repository of over 85,000 royalty rates from more than 25,000 full-text agreements, we gained firsthand insight into the challenges inherent in managing such a complex dataset. Royalty Rates are inherently involved and oftentimes contain a wide variance of structure and terminology that can make searching this data difficult. With an in-depth understanding of this data and the challenges it presents, we recognized the immediate value AI could bring to our users. We set out to harness its power, streamline the search process, and provide a more efficient solution.
Starting with the data at its core, we’ve spent the last year training and testing our proprietary AI engine to ensure its effectiveness in improving the search experience. Trained directly on the data it’s designed to search, our AI tool significantly reduces the time spent building searches while uncovering hidden opportunities. Using the power of semantics the tool takes the guesswork out of what to search and allows users to hit the ground running. Moreover, for those looking to broaden their scope and explore every possibility, the AI filter excels at uncovering comparables that might otherwise go unnoticed by human analysts.
Semantic AI: Redefining Search Intelligence
Using a Semantic AI engine is like having a new analyst who never needs a break. In many ways, a Semantic AI operates like a human would. While many AI models rely on training the AI with word association, these engines miss a key component of language – context. By leveraging a Semantic AI model our system is better suited to leveraging this concept.
Semantic AI by and large is more useful. This method makes the search more intuitive, as the AI leverages context and intent to refine and construct the query more effectively. You can think of these vectors as if they are neuropathways of a brain where as a human we can distinguish the intent of a word based on the context associated with the term.
A prime example of this would be a term such as “chocolate milk” and “milk chocolate.” A simple term match or synonym search would not be able to distinguish “chocolate milk” as a form of liquid milk that’s comparable to strawberry or whole milk. Lesser engines would be unable to understand the context associated with these terms to know that one is a kind of chocolate and the other is a kind of milk. This is the power that Semantic AI provides because context and intent matter in searching.
Unlocking the Power of Semantic AI: Streamlining Royalty Rate Searches and Gaining a Competitive Edge
ktMINE’s new Benchmark AI-assisted filter will revolutionize how royalty rate searching is done for years to come. Getting access now will put any analyst miles ahead of their competition as royalty rate research marches toward the future. The AI filter allows for both the simplicity of building complete keyword strings in seconds and the complexity of finding the needles in the haystack to support your analysis.
The most basic use of the filter will remove the need for long and arduous keyword strings. Instead of spending hours racking your brain trying to come up with all the terms that could find relevant documents, let AI do the work for you. When searching for “writing utensils” do you know that you should also query “pen,” “marker,” “pencil,” “ballpoint,” “sharpie,” and dozens more? Probably not, and if you did, you likely spent unnecessary time compiling this list. The AI, however, already knows this and can take the guesswork out of search building. Let the AI handle the heavy lifting, so you can focus your time on reviewing what matters most—the royalty rate data.
AI-Assisted Searching Designed for Analysts
There are of course going to be those who may not want to depend on AI, we’ve all seen Terminator. For those who wish to leverage AI in more of a complementary fashion, the filter can be an excellent sanity check. Leave no stone unturned by building the regular search you were already using in ktMINE and then pair that with the AI-assisted filter. This methodology will reveal the results of your original logic while expanding the query to uncover additional comparables you should be considering. This information can be a game-changer when it comes to validating a rate and gaining a competitive edge over rivals or tax authorities.
Embrace the Future of Agreement Searching
Whether you prefer the simplicity of instant results or the enhanced power of query expansion, our AI is now here to assist. As the world becomes more automated and technologies get smarter, ktMINE will be at the forefront of pushing innovation further. ktMINE’s Benchmark AI assist will only get smarter as time goes on, and our capabilities will continue to expand. Save time and get the edge on your competition with the only royalty rate database with an eye to the future.
Contact our team today to see this powerful new feature in action.